What would a blog be if it didn’t have a birth story somewhere!?
Elliana was due on January 25th, and EVERYONE told me that they thought I’d have her early. My body was progressing, and I was getting to that part of the pregnancy where you feel like a crazy person. Well… I suppose I should clarify, because I think most of us feel a little crazy along the way! I was in the last month of my pregnancy, and I was READY to have a baby.
We did some traveling for the holidays, so come January, Drew and I settled down before the baby arrived. Acilia is aways ready to party, but we bribed her to sit still with every Disney movie we could get our hands on. Plus, flu season was intense in 2018, so there was no way I was leaving the house. All three of us were under quarantine. Do you have any idea how many times we’ve watched Moana!?
Weeks 36 through 40 came and went, and I was absolutely beside myself! This baby was SO low, and I was dilated to 4 cm. Cue: bouncing on an exercise ball, red raspberry leaf tea, and clary sage essential oil. She had to come out soon, right?? Eleven days later, I woke up to a text from my sister Rachel saying, “Today is the day.” I threw my phone at the wall.
I had an appointment for a check up and an NST that day at 11:30, and I cried the whole way there! I was having a really hard time processing all of the emotions that were running through me. I wanted that baby here so badly, but the thought of giving up my one-on-one time with Acilia terrified me. My little sidekick had no idea what she was in for, and neither did I. I was afraid to share my love, and also so afraid that I’d pick favorites. Don’t even start me on Drew, my patient husband, who most certainly gets the least of my attention, but showers me in affection. Anyways, I managed to pull myself together before I saw the midwife. When she asked me how I was doing, I cried to her, too.
I was also so emotional over the possibility of being induced. I know that it happens all the time, but I’m so weird about things going into my body. I wanted another non-medicated birth, and I’m not going to lie… needles and IVs scare me. On the flip side, I was wrestling with what was really best for the baby. She had to come out one way or another, and I didn’t want to wait too long, to where I put her in danger.
The midwife ended up sweeping my membranes. It didn’t hurt, it just felt REALLY weird. I’ll spare you the details, but anyone who has had a baby knows that all shame goes out the window! She told me go home and relax, and come back tomorrow to schedule something. As it turns out, I didn’t end up needing the night! I almost immediately started having contractions after my membranes got swept! This was at noon. I got home and tried not to get my hopes up, but I kept moving in case it was the real thing. Around 2 p.m. I put Acilia down for a nap, and got super sappy- I took a picture of her in my arms, just in case it was the last time rocking her as my only (I know, babies have turned me into a pile of mush). I still wasn’t getting my hopes up, because I had false labor a few weeks before, that had started out the same way.

The contractions were steady every 10 minutes. Around 4 p.m. they started picking up intensity, but were manageable. I called my mom to ask her to come stay the night with Acilia. She had about a two hour drive, but comparing this labor to my first, I guessed that she had plenty of time.
Around 5 p.m. things got crazy! All of a sudden the contractions were two minutes apart, and I couldn’t talk through them. I had Drew take Acilia in the basement, so that she wouldn’t get freaked out. I called one of my best friends to come watch her before my mom arrived. I got in the shower, and rocked side to side while the water hit my back. I had horrible back labor with both of my deliveries, and the shower and rocking motion REALLY helped me get through the contractions. In the heat of the moment, I had also decided that I was going to get an epidural, because I remember being so exhausted and blacked out from pain during Acilia’s birth, I just wanted to be more aware this time. I also had some sort of sweet vision that maybe the birth would be peaceful, with Drew holding my hand. HA. My friend got to our house just in time! I really couldn’t hold anything in anymore. She got there around 6pm, and Drew and I left by 6:15.
This is where it gets wild!!! When I was in labor with Acilia, the transition took hours, so I really thought that I had more time! We got like a block away from our house, and my water broke!! In Drew’s poor truck! With Acilia, my water broke and I went from 7 cm to pushing pretty instantly, so Drew knew he had to hurry. He was FLYING down the road! I mean… probably going 65 through downtown traffic. Luckily, we only live three miles from the hospital. Which we pulled up to the wrong side of. And had never taken a tour. Because why be prepared? As second-time parents, surely we could navigate ourselves to Labor and Delivery. HA, again. Finally, Drew had to run in whatever random side of the building we were at to ask for directions. Cringe-worthy, I know. I don’t recommend going in blindly. Take the tour.
We got inside, and I wanted to walk. It REALLY hurt keeping my hips closed while sitting down! We made it to triage, and it felt like she was about to fall out. I knew I wasn’t getting an epidural, even though I was asking.
I don’t know if it was that she was just my second baby, or the clary sage, but they checked me, threw me on a bed, raced me to a delivery room, and I had her out in three pushes! It was February 5th. We left the house at 6:15 p.m., and Elliana Anne was born at 6:46pm, 8lbs 3oz and 22.5 inches long.
Her birth was actually incredible! Even though I’m positive that I sounded intense, I felt way more in control of my body this time around. I was breathing her down while I was laboring, and I was aware of her progress when I was pushing. Totally a different experience than birthing Acilia, having absolutely no clue what was going on with my body that first time around.

Elliana was so sweet and cuddly right away! It’s so true what “they” say… as soon as you get the baby in your arms, all of your worries melt away. It was euphoric. Of course she was meant for us. She screamed getting measured, and settled down as soon as I got her back. A mother’s touch is incredible.
My mom met us at the hospital around 8 p.m., so she got to see Elliana before going home to Acilia. It was so special that she could be there this time. When we had Acilia, Drew and I were living out of state. She couldn’t be a part of the day back then, so I’m glad we could make up for it. The mother-daughter/mother-daughter bond is special.
Drew and I chose to spend the rest of the time in the hospital alone with Elliana. We wanted to soak up the time we had to solely focus on our brand new baby. We had such a peaceful stay! The nurses were very sweet and attentive (I CHUG water after delivery. Possibly, because I also eat an entire pizza… by myself… I SWEAR the combo makes my milk come in faster!), but overall we settled into a quiet confidence. I remember being nervous to change Acilia’s first diaper, but with Elliana, everything felt much smoother. She was an angel baby; hardly cried, and just wanted to nurse and be held. I loved watching her cuddle, because I could tell that she was in those same positions in my belly!! She liked to sleep with her hands folded under her, while she stretched her legs out.
Acilia was so sweet and tender when we brought home Elliana. Oh my gosh, it was adorable, it made me cry. She was in awe, but also unsure. She was excited and gentle, and jumped at the chance to “help” me change the baby’s diapers. She wasn’t jealous of Elliana’s spot in my arms, but rather made herself comfortable on my lap. To this day, every time Elliana cries, Acilia shouts for me to hold her. She might be a paci-thief, but she is a fiercely protective big sister. Elliana fits right into our family, like she had been here all along.

The name “Elliana” means “God has answered my prayers,” and that couldn’t be more true. Happy birthday, baby!!