Just a few photos I’ve snapped this year learning how to use a real camera! Definitely so much to learn, but I am enjoying documenting our family! The ones that stay the closest to me are the ones that get the most footage 🙂 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words...

Because in the grand scheme of things that change, there is no part of my life that is left untouched.

Is there anything better than seeing someone’s dreams come true? What an incredible experience it has been today, for all of us to finally meet under one roof, and witness the marriage of Martin and Rachel blessed by God, and have their precious baby boy Eli welcomed to the Church!

I turn off the lights and lay my head down. Without missing a beat, someone across the hall starts screaming uncontrollably. Then I hear a second pair of feet that should be in bed. Hastily and begrudgingly, I get up. Here we go, back out to the desert. I look up and ask, “This Lord? This!?”

I’m kind of still just blown away over the fact of them being little and all mine. What a humbling reality- as a parent, my love is their whole world and their prominent compass.
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